By Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter
A quick video to encourage you to get going.
What to Ask When They Schedule You for an Interview
Hi, I’m Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter. And I’m experimenting today. I’m using Clips to record this.
We’ll upload it later. I’ve been called The Big Game Hunter because I hunted down leaders and staff organizations did it for more than 40 years. And I just want to talk with you, beginning my day on the East Coast, as a reminder for you.
And the reminder is you can drift and you can zone out. And you can kind of mumble your way through the day. I’m not talking about the way you speak.
I’m talking about the way you act. It’s kind of like being in a fog for lengthy periods of time. And it’s boring, isn’t it? I know when I’m in a fog, when I let myself kind of drift, I’m kind of pathetic.
Is that true of you, too? I’ll just simply say, you know, follow me here. Connect with me. Let me help you.
Watch my videos. They’re really good stuff. And I’ll just simply say, today, get your mojo working.
Get your mojo working because you’ll feel better if you get yourself motivated. How to do that, how to inspire yourself, real easy. Move at a slightly faster pace.
Speak a little bit faster. Do the things that physically wind up getting into action. And I know you’ll feel that way.
Hope you found this helpful. Connect with me on LinkedIn at forward slash IN forward slash TheBigGameHunter. Imagine that you saw this.
I like knowing I’m helpful. Have a great day. Take care
Career Coach Office Hours June 11 2024
Whenever you’re scheduled for an interview, always find out, number one, who you’re going to be meeting with, number two, what their role is, number three, how long, you can expect them to be talking to you for and number four, what they’re going to cover.
Reverse Engineering the ATS for Results