Adding extra protein to ultra-processed foods helps reduce overeating

Ultra-processed food is thought to encourage overeating Rimma Bondarenko/Shutterstock People consume fewer calories when eating high-protein ultra-processed foods than when eating other ultra-processed products. But they still tend to overeat, suggesting highly processed, protein-enriched snacks should only be consumed in moderation. Numerous studies have shown ultra-processed foods are linked with a greater risk of developing…

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Opinion | It’s Not Nature. It’s Not Nurture. It’s a Möbius Strip.

The social environment, then, is genetics one degree removed. And vice versa. When scientists started decoding the human genome, many assumed the nature-nurture debate was over and the hereditarians had essentially won. Soon we’d know the genetic blueprints for everything: obesity, intelligence, susceptibility to chronic diseases, even individual personality traits. Pharmaceutical companies would develop drugs…

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Navigating a Slanted River – NASA Science

Written by Denise Buckner, student collaborator at University of Florida  Perseverance is hard at work on Mars, overcoming obstacles for scientific exploration! Just a few sols after successfully sealing the challenging Green Gardens core, Perseverance roved on to the Broom Point workspace to collect another sample called Main River. Broom Point is situated a few…

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