Yeossal Ghillie Derby: New Model Alert

Yeossal Ghillie DerbyYeossal Ghillie Derby

The beauty of working with small, hands-on shoe brands is that if the owner is directly involved, they are often quite flexible when it comes to working with the client to achieve what they desire. Such was the case with the new Yeossal Ghillie Derby that was customized by request by one of their clients. I can vividly imagine the conversation now. I would know as I have done it myself.

‘I want this model but with that type of lacing/detail, etc.’ And, as the owner, I am like, ‘Yeah, that sounds cool. Let’s do it!’ And as long as the factory is on board, then everyone wins. This exact scenario is often how cool new models are created. This new Ghillie shoe is proof of that!

Yeossal Ghillie DerbyYeossal Ghillie Derby

While the new Yeossal ghillie derby is not yet on the site, do not let that stop you from ordering it. If Yeossal has shown it, then it is available for order. I would imagine that its options for customization will fall under the normal realm of what they offer on their Hand Welted collection. This means the possibilities are endless. I only hope that people start ordering so we can see the cool ideas that people come up with.

I love that we are seeing more and more ghillies these days. The blend between dressy and casual that the ghillie lacing offers makes it easy to stay in a dress shoe style, but calm it down a bit. Since society is heading in a direction of a more ‘lax’ style, the ghillie lace system offers a blend of a casual idea (think sneaker lacing) on a dress shoe base. It harmonizes without going extreme either way.

Who will ask Yeossal to add a saddle to this model? Any takers?

Read more about Yeossal and see other models here

Visit their website here:

—Justin FitzPatrick, The Shoe Snob

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***Yeossal is a supporter of The Shoe Snob Blog and you can consider this a sponsored post***

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