Dead Athena moon lander seen inside its crater grave from lunar orbit (photos)

We now have shots of the Athena moon lander’s final resting place.

Athena, the second lunar lander from Houston company Intuitive Machines, tipped over during its touchdown on March 6, ending up on its side within a small crater near the moon’s south pole.

This orientation prevented the lander’s solar panels from capturing enough sunlight, and Intuitive Machines declared Athena dead on March 7. (The company’s first moon lander, named Odysseus, also tipped over during its historic February 2024 touchdown but was able to operate for longer on the lunar surface.)

spacecraft photo of the cratered lunar surface, with a white-box enlargement showing the location of a lander inside a crater

Another shot of Athena from LRO, this time on March 10, 2025. The lander is inside a crater at the center bottom of the frame; the inset shows a 4x enlargement of that area. (Image credit: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University)

Athena beamed home a few shots of its surroundings before giving up the ghost. And we now have views of the lander and its crater grave from on high, courtesy of NASA’s sharp-eyed Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO).

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